Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 5 :)

Day 5
First thing this morning we went to Jumbo to purchase food for 90 families. Then we went to a church in a neighborhood rather than in a village where we handed out the food and prayed for the people. We also sang songs, did a drama and Jeremy Lux gave his testimony. What an awesome time of worshipping God. We have never sweated so much (especially the girls!) as we have in these last day that we’ve been in the Dominican Republic. Keep praying for safety and against heat exhaustion/dehydration. God has truly been protecting us and restoring us when we have been sick.
After coming back to Score for lunch and a little down time, we climbed back on the busses and headed out to one of our favorite villages.
As we drove on the dirt “road” past many “lakes” in the road many of us were reminded of last year’s adventure as we pushed the bus out of the mud. Thankfully, we did not experience that this year although we did have moments where we thought it would be a reality. As we approached the village, we were brought to a quick reality of how little people have. I say this very carefully because although to us it seems they live a very poor, impoverished life, with Christ they are rich and have more than many in the U.S.  We played with the people in the village there and tried to speak to them in Spanish (many of them speak Creole.) It was such a blessing to see our big American guys playing and horsing around with kids and teenagers and to watch the smile that seemed to be contagious among our group and the natives. When it was time for ministry, we sang in Spanish and one of our favorites in English (Days of Elijah). After singing, Leah gave her testimony and Sadrach translated in Creole.  We were able to give away shoes, flip flops and candy along with a bag of food to each family.  How humbling to pray and give a week’s supply of food to an elderly woman whose shoes are wearing off of her feet and whose clothes meet no standard that we would have…and it doesn’t matter. Her love for Jesus can be as real as the strongest.
I don’t want to give all the stories away…I’m sure you will hear them when we return home. We are excited for the time we have left..the trip has been flying by faster than most of us would like.
Tomorrow a group is headed back to the village from yesterday to finish the roof while the rest of us make benches for a church plant. In the afternoon we will visit Los Montones…a village very close to our hearts.
Keep praying for us please. Your prayers are being answered as we continue to be kept safe and healthy. Please pray for the Dominicans that they would see the love of Christ in us.
Love in Christ,

P.S. We miss you Mark! You are continually in our prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you Ashley! Glad to see you so happy, i know how much you love it there.. can't wait to see you.. praying for you all.. see you soon :)
